CRC 1316 Transient Atmospheric Plasmas: From Plasmas to Liquids To Solids

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Pupil's project week

Eventful project week full of physics and research

This year's schoolgirl project week took place at the RUB from March 25 to 28.

In addition to exciting workshops and experiments, the schoolgirls attended a lecture by Dr. Niklas Fornefeld on the topic of "Thermal radiation 'Is light light?' - From sunburn to trash TV", experienced current research at the RUB in laboratory tours and traveled through the vastness of space in the Zeiss Planetarium Bochum. 

The highlights also included having breakfast together, lunch in the canteen and experiencing university life. This also served as an opportunity for exchange between the participants and the students.

The final event was the fiercely contested physics duel and the award ceremony for the winners. Everyone was then rewarded with a well-earned pizza!