CRC 1316 Transient Atmospheric Plasmas: From Plasmas to Liquids To Solids

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Scientific exchange

Visit of Prof. Renato Montagnolli

Prof. Renato Montagnolli, a researcher from São Paulo State University, enriched our Collaborative Research Center with his visit from March 8th to March 19th. Professor Montagnolli's visit was made possible by a Research School Travel Grant, and co-funded by the Collaborative Research Center 1316. The main focus of his trip was to plan a joint project aimed at developing "green" pathways of protein immobilization for our plasma-driven biocatalysis.

During his stay, we had the opportunity to present our biocatalysis setup to Professor Montagnolli and demonstrate the whole process from protein purification to protein application under plasma. This interaction allowed us to jointly plan and refine important steps for the effective implementation of our project.

Another aim of his visit was to promote collaboration with future scientists. For this reason, we also targeted Bachelor students to raise awareness of the opportunities within the CRC. The SFB funding offers the chance for one person to go to Brazil for several months to test the various immobilization techniques and bring a fruitful exchange between the Research Centers.