CRC 1316 Transient Atmospheric Plasmas: From Plasmas to Liquids To Solids

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B1 B2 B4 B5 B7 B8 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 INF MGK PR

B11: Rational tuning of plasma and liquid chemistry for biocatalysis

Principal Investigators: J. Bandow, J. Golda, A. Gibson


Bandow, Julia
(Principal Investigator)

Golda, Judith
(Principal Investigator)

Klopsch, Sabrina

Schüttler, Steffen

Schöne, Anna Lena

Eichstaedt, Niklas



Plasma-driven biocatalysis seeks to use plasma-produced reactive species, such as hydrogen peroxide, as reactants for the enzymatic conversion of substrates into valuable products. A key to achieving industrial use of this approach is to produce reactants in sufficient amounts and with high energy efficiency. The aim of this project is to develop a rational scheme for tuning the plasma-biocatalysis system by combining expertise and insight from experimental plasma and liquid diagnostics, numerical plasma and liquid chemistry simulations and biotechnology. In addition to characterising rates and mechanisms of hydrogen peroxide generation, the formation of unwanted plasma species that are toxic to enzymes will be monitored under different plasma operating conditions. On the basis of simulation and experiment, new strategies will be developed to increase the biocatalytic yield.



  • Emanuel Jeß, Bachelor thesis - 03/2021
    Diagnostics of plasma-produced hydrogen peroxide in liquids
  • Steffen Schüttler, PhD thesis - ongoing
    Plasma chemistry of H2O2 generation in atmospheric pressure plasma jets: from gas to liquid phase
  • Maike Kai, Master thesis - 04/2023
    Diagnostics of plasma chemistry in atmospheric pressure plasmas operated in humid feed gas
  • Océane Michels, Bachelor thesis - 08/2022
    Plasma-driven biocatalysis with the unspecific peroxygenase from Collariella virescens
  • Lara Boeddinghaus, Bachelor thesis - 03/2023
    Diagnostik der Anregungsdynamik in einem Atmosphärendruckplasmajet mittels phasenaufgelöster optischer Emissionsspektroskopie
  • Anna Lena Schöne, PhD thesis - ongoing
    Simulation of plasma and liquid chemistry for applications in biocatalysis
  • Jannis Kaufmann, Bachelor thesis - 09/2023
    Diagnostik von plasmaerzeugten Stickstoff- und Sauerstoffspezies in Flüssigkeiten
  • Sabrina Klopsch, PhD thesis - ongoing
    Biocatalysis scale-up concepts
  • Niklas Eichstaedt, Bachelor thesis - 04/2024
    Untersuchung des Einflusses der Anregungsfrequenz auf die Produktion von plasmaerzeugtem Wasserstoffperoxid
  • Emanuel Jeß, Bachelor thesis - 04/2022
    Diagnostics of Plasma-Produced Hydrogen Peroxide in Liquids
  • Sarah Thiel, Bachelor thesis - 07/2024
    Expansion of plasma-driven biocatalysis: Epoxidation of unsaturated fatty acids with the unspecific peroxygenase from Collariella virescens
  • Lukas Jasper, Bachelor thesis - 02/2023
    Unspecific Peroxygenase from Daldinia caldariorum in Escherichia coli for plasma-driven biocatalysis
  • Leonidas Eliakopoulos, Bachelor thesis - 10/2024
    Untersuchung der zeitlichen und räumlichen Anregungsdynamik in einem mit kHz-Pulsen betriebenen Atmosphärendruckplasmajet

Further reading