CRC 1316 Transient Atmospheric Plasmas: From Plasmas to Liquids To Solids

Public Outreach

Prof. Dr. Achim von Keudell at TEDx

Prof. Achim von Keudell had the honour to join the TEDx event on 19th May 2018 in Bochum with a 15 minutes talk. His TEDx Talk "Extreme Plasmas for Extreme Materials" is about his current field of study the controlling and taming of these extreme plasmas, which will form the basis for future material synthesis. The overarching topic of the event was "Changing Perspectives". Only 200 tickets for the audience were available.

TEDx is a worldwide offspring of the TEDx conference series. The range of topics of the TEDx event was extremly broad covering societal and scientific challenges of the future. The video of the presentation is available here.